5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Require Custom Logos

For every business, Guest Posting be it small or big, it is essential to mark its own identity that separates it from others. While there are a number of marketing and branding efforts that help create a distinct image in the mind of the consumers, a logo design is the most prominent one out of all Web design Wexford.


It just takes 400 milliseconds to process the design elements in the visual cortex of our brains.

A logo is the first point of contact with your customers. It symbolizes your business, communicates the brand’s message to the viewers, and helps you achieve the desired image in the mind of the consumer. In this article, we highlight the reasons why small businesses require custom logo designs.

  1. Convey Brand Emotion
    According to research, about 80% increase is recorded in brand recognition with a colored logo design. Colors are a fundamental part of our lives. They evoke emotions and instigate the viewers to perceive the brand in a positive image.

By fashioning a colorful logo, you can communicate specific emotions and feelings to your customers. Take a lesson from some of the most successful brands in the world. The green of the Starbucks logo hints at eco-friendly fields of coffee, while the red of the Netflix logo indicates excitement and energy. Make a strategic decision today and reap the benefits tomorrow!

  1. Attain a Professional Look
    A business without a logo does not look legit or professional.

A logo design lends depth, weight, meaning, and reliability to your business. It attracts the consumers towards the brand. Without an iconic logo design, the business is forced to use plain wordmark to represent its brand.

How does a plain wordmark distinguish your brand from the competition?

An iconic logo design separates your business from amateurs and highlights your professionalism. When consumers look for your brand, they look for qualities and attributes that make a brand reliable and stable.

This feeling of reliability, trust, and integrity is conveyed through an iconic logo design. So, it does not matter what type of logo design you go for, just make sure it looks professional and represents your brand to the most authentic form.

  1. Influence Your Audience
    A successful business is the one that has made a home in the mind of its consumers. This is where logo designs kicks in. The primary purpose of a logo design is to create recognition. To be so memorable that the audience cannot forget it even if they wanted to.

The logo design of a brand creates an association with its consumers. Kids as young as 3-5 years old begin to link a logo with its products and offerings. Children around the age of 7-8 years can connect logo designs with the products or services they like the most. These associations last a lifetime, resulting in incredible brand loyalty.

The right logo design will help you grow your business to new unimaginable heights. When potential and existing customers look at your logo design, it instills a sense of confidence within their minds. A logo design has the power to make the targeted audience feel that the brand is precisely what has been missing from their life.

  1. Stand Apart from The Competition
    No matter what niche or industry you operate in, your business will always find itself competing against another business at one point or another. And if you want to come out a winner in this battle for survival, you need to find a way to differentiate yourself.

To create this unique quality that separates the business from others, most companies opt for offering first-rate products and services to its customers. At the same time, some use pricing strategies to appeal to the masses.

But here’s the thing: you need to sell your brand before you go on selling your products.

Logo design will help you grab the attention of your consumers and pull them towards your brand. It enables you to float in a sea full of competitors.

  1. Communicate Your Brand Story
    A logo design has the ability to communicate with the consumers. It conveys the brand message and shows the world what the brand represents.

You can showcase the essence of the brand through your logo design. But keep in mind, you don’t want to overcomplicate your logo design. Try and keep it as simple as possible to make it memorable and iconic.

For example, the logo design of Apple references an apple, connected to knowledge and learning. It also shows a bite or “byte” from the apple to create a clever play on words. Through its logo, Apple represents technology, knowledge, and innovation.

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