Are you one of those who make the famous New Year’s promises? In many cases, they end up being a joke because they remain just a wish and are never fulfilled. But with planning, focus, determination and, above all, attitude, goals can stop being just thoughts and become reality Reiki. Here are some elements necessary to make your goals happen:
1. Start planning and define your goals
Where do you want to go? What would make you feel fulfilled? Write down what you want your life to be like and who you want to be in a year. Then, reflect on your life and think about what you would need to do to reach the goal you have set.
If you’re having trouble listing the things you want, start by making a list of the things you don’t want in your life. Divide the elements by areas, such as finances, love relationships, health, spirituality, etc.
2. What must you do to achieve each item on the list?
If you say you want to lose 10 kilos, do you know how that will happen? Your actions need to go from the unconscious, irrational and emotional level to the conscious level.
A good way to start achieving that goal, for example, is to use a notebook to write down everything you eat for a week. Times, quantities and type of food. At the end of that period, you will have a clearer idea of your diet and what you need to change.
If your goal is to pay off a debt, in the same way, write down everything you spend, down to the last penny, specifying exactly what you bought or paid for and at what time, to identify your spending pattern and understand where your money is going. This way, you will know exactly what habits you need to change to reach your goal.
3. Set a deadline
Now that you know what you want and what you must do to achieve it, how long will it take you to have saved the first 500 pesos to pay that debt? How long will it take you to lose the first kilos? And when will you have reached your goal?
Without a defined deadline, your plan is incomplete and you could sabotage yourself, lose focus, or always procrastinate. Thus, it will be another unfulfilled promise in your life.
4. Be determined, committed and persistent
Pursuing goals requires sacrifices. You will have to give up many things and you will often become discouraged. In those moments, think about what will happen when you reach your goal. This will give you strength to continue.
Remember: you are responsible for your success and your failures. But you can learn from your mistakes and turn them into experience to achieve even greater victories.
5. Present your plans to God
Pray, ask Him for strength and direction, put Him in front of everything. With the Creator in your life, even what should go wrong will turn out right.