A career in the music industry is only for the brave

I recently read a similar article in Forbes about the challenges of entrepreneurship and thought it was a lot like building a career in the music industry. One of the most accurate similarities that I found in that article was that success stories have already been “glorified” and therefore we believe that the path is easy and we will also enjoy it every moment buy custom sc plays. But, as Adeo Ressi wrote in that article and making the analogy to the music industry, building a career will be difficult : you will have to work a lot, face many rejections, establish and build better human relationships and accept that the risk is great.

One of the easiest ways to start this great challenge is: recognize that you probably don’t know what you are doing. As Ressi says , the moment you think you know everything, you have failed. None of us know exactly how the industry works (especially since it changes day to day); Therefore, we have to accept the fact that the best we can do is try to be informed, meet people who complement our knowledge, never close ourselves to new collaborations (both artistic and professional) and be humble in recognizing that it is always good to learn something. new.

Perhaps this makes us think that building a successful career in the industry is not for everyone, but Ressi gives two important pieces of advice to entrepreneurs that I think could translate very well to artists and industry professionals:

Have a clear vision about your project : why do you make music? What message do you want to give? Any question that follows this same path serves to identify the vision of your project and this in turn will help you always keep in mind why you do what you do.
Be resilient : Ressi uses the word “resilient” which can be almost literally translated like this, but we can also interpret it as being constant. Yes, making a career in the industry will be difficult, but the best thing you can do is be consistent. Set goals and establish deadlines to meet them, do not slow down, accept failures, learn and move forward. All of this is absolutely necessary to be able to build a successful career.

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