Barking is the instinctive reaction of dogs to new, strange sounds, people, and environments. But one of the most important things about dog training is to teach him what he can bark at and what he should not bark about and be silent about. In this article, we are going to teach you how to bark at dogs with your command, as well as not to bark and remain silent Dog behavior training Houston.
Why do dogs bark?
Before we begin, you should know that barking is a perfectly normal behavior and reaction in dogs and even helps to relieve the dog’s stress and anxiety.So we are not going to silence our dog at all and expect him to never bark again, we just want to guide him to bark and teach him when he is allowed to bark and when he should not bark.Some dogs bark with excitement, while others start barking out of fear and anxiety. If your dog is barking all the time because of fear and anxiety, then it is better to first examine the reason for this dog’s feelings and see why and what he is so afraid of. Even if necessary, be sure to get help from a veterinarian or professional dog trainer to root out and solve this problem.
The purpose of this training is to correct your dog’s reactions to sounds (such as the doorbell) or other situations, and to turn him into a well-behaved and polite dog who barks only when necessary.
Why should I teach my dog to bark with a steering wheel?Well, you may be wondering if dogs bark naturally; So what does it mean to teach a dog to bark?Barking with the command, funny and interesting training and training to talk to the dog! So you can instruct your dog in front of friends and guests to “talk” and entertain everyone.
Of course, the main purpose of this training is not only this:The purpose of this training is to guide the barking of the dog and turn it from an unpleasant and annoying behavior into a good and useful behavior.In fact, turn pointless and aimless barking into intentional barking; That way, every time a dog barks, you realize that there really is an issue or problem and you need to pay attention to it.For example, you can teach your dog whenever he needs to go to the bathroom and he has to go out to you and understand what he means by barking.
The importance of teaching barking to guard dogsPars training for dogs may be more of a stunt and fun for blood dogs, but this training is very important and necessary for training guard dog breeds and, in fact, is one of the main trainings for guard dog training.By teaching the guard dog to bark, you can teach him to start barking when he sees an intruder or a thief in your house or in your garden area, and both the thief will run away and he will warn you of this danger.
German Shepherd dog barking trainingBefore you begin, be aware of these important points:Never yell at your dogIf your dog is constantly barking and upsetting you, you should not shout at him or, for example, shout loudly: Shut up! Because your dog does not understand the meaning of your words, but he perceives the tone of your voice in such a way that apparently you are angry, excited or happy like him and you are barking! So it happens to provoke more barking and it bothers you more!
So always remember that when commanding a dog, you should speak in a calm but serious and decisive tone and let him know who the boss is.
Better to use clicker!Clicker is a very simple but effective tool used in dog training and training by almost all professional dog trainers. Although you can train your dog without a clicker, we think that using a clicker can make the dog training process faster and easier, and it can help you.Each time the dog does the right thing, turn on the clicker, and the clicker’s specific sound, along with verbal confirmation and encouragement, lets the dog know he did the right thing.
Encourage the dogChoose your dog’s prize and incentive in advance!For this tutorial, we suggest you choose something that your dog loves. The better the reward you give your dog, the better your dog will learn that training.Most dogs love delicious food, so you can use a variety of dog-friendly incentives for this training.Of course, some dogs prefer their favorite toy or doll to encouragement and are willing to do anything for it.Even if your dog likes to play with you, you can play with it as a reward!